Timothy Clark
Genesis 50:15-21
Back Story
In this scripture, the bible is talking about the story of Joseph. Joseph was the youngest of 12 brothers, who were all the sons of Jacob. Joseph had the gift of interpreting dreams. If you had a weird dream, Joseph could tell you what it meant. He had a dream that one day everyone and even the sky would bow down to him. This mad his brothers very angry. That plus he was favored by his father amongst his brothers. They were very jealous of him. So much so, that they wanted to kill him. One brother convinced the others not to kill him but instead to throw him down a well and leave him for dead. They did so. But after days of being in the well, some passers by (Ishmaelite) found him. He thought he was saved but his brothers sold him to the Ishmaelite and he became a slave in Egypt. While a slave, he started to work for a man name Potiphar. Potiphar had a wife, who wanted to be with Joseph but he declined. This upsetting her, she lied on him and had him thrown in jail. While in jail, he meet a butler to the Pharaoh and explains the cause of events that had happened in his life thus far and that he could interpret dreams. One day the Pharaoh had a 2 very strange dreams and no one could tell him what it meant. The butler remembered that Joseph could interpret dreams and told the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh called for Joseph and he explained what the dreams meant and Pharaoh was very grateful, so he made Joseph the Prime Minister over Egypt. Now mind you while all of this is going on, his father had passed away and his brothers and their families were going through a famine. They heard about the new status of their brother they had left for dead, and they went to him to ask him for his forgiveness and his help. After being reunited with his family Joseph had forgiven them for what they had done and brought them to live in Egypt.
How did God Recycle Evil in Joseph's/Your Life?
1) Never Leaving. God never left Joseph. God was with Joseph the entire time he was going through all the different obstacles to get to the promise. God gave Joseph a promise that one day he would be a ruler. Joseph held onto that promise because he knew God would always keep his word.
2) Lifting You Above Whatever You Face. Sometime we pray that God will take us out of a certain situation, but instead he gives us the grace to go through it. I'm sure Joseph prayed for God to deliver him but it was all apart of the process. If God takes you out of the situation or removes the problem, you wont have a testimony and He wont get the glory. So God will give you the grace to rise above it, so people will see how you came out of the situation and God will get all of the glory.
3) Never Letting His Word Fall to the Ground. God gave Joseph a dream, and that dream was a promise for what was to come in Joseph's life. He didn't give Joseph a specific day or time when this dream will come to past, but God keeps all his promises. Just when you are about to give up on a dream that God gave you, or a word that He spoke in your life, He will always do something or send someone to keep you hanging in there and keep you motivated. Just when Joseph was about to give up on God's promise, he sends the butler.
Believe it or not everything that Joseph went through was all apart of the process for him to become the Ruler of Egypt. What the enemy meant for evil God turned around for good. Think about it. If his brothers weren't jealous of him, he would have be thrown down the well. The particular well he was thrown down, just so happened to be empty. If it was full of water he would have drowned. God was with him. If he would of drowned in the well the Ishmaelite would have never found him and sold him into slavery. If they would have never sold him into slavery, he would have never ended up at Potiphar's house. If he would had never been in Potiphar's house his wife would have never made a move on him. If Potiphar's wife would have never made a move on him he would have never ended up in jail. If he had never gone to jail he would have never talked to the butler. If he had never talked to the butler, the Pharaoh would have no one who could interpret his dream. And if no one could tell the Pharaoh what his dream meant then the land would not be prepared for the 7 year famine. If they where not prepared for the 7 year famine, then Josephs family would not have come to him for help and they would of died of starvation. If they died of starvation, there would be not descendants of Jesus, and without Jesus we would all be lost.
Joseph's story shows us that life is not always easy, but God is always good. Sometimes as Christians we believe because we love God and he loves us that we wont have to go through anything. That's not true we will face storms but God will stay faithful and help us to make it through.
Joseph was sold out and hated on by his own family. If he was able to forgive, we all should be able to forgive. God maybe waiting on you to forgive before he can bless you, and by not forgiving you maybe be holding up the blessing for that other person. If Joseph would have forgiven his brothers, the whole family would have died. The blessings that God had for their children and their children's children would have been held up by Joseph. Don't hold up your blessing and most of all don't hold up a blessing for someone else.
Joseph had to go through the process to get to his destiny and God promise. You have to go through, so God can get you to where he needs you to be.