Friday, September 18, 2015


Welcome to my Blog.

At the beginning of the year, in fact New Year’s Eve, I made a vow to myself that I was going to get my life together before my 30th birthday. I would get my professional life (work), love life, and spiritual life together. I thought I was the only one who knew that I made that vow to myself but of course God was listening. After a series of event that happened the following month, plus a visit from my Aunt, I decided to write down everything that happened to me. I wrote down every mistake I made, bad day, or just whatever I was struggling with in my life. Instead of just letting it sit in my journal, I decided to create a blog.

While attending an HR training class for work, the instructor told us the story about the Trouble Tree. If you’ve never heard the story I advise you to Google it. Basically, it’s a story about a Plummer, who like me decided to make a vow. His vow was to never bring any of the stress or troubles from work home. So, before he walked through the front door he would stop by a tree in the yard and transfer all the worries and cares from the day off his shoulder and hang them onto the limbs of the tree. Instead of hanging my cares and views of life on a live tree, I had the idea of making this blog my tree. Hints the name Nydia’s Trouble Tree. I feel like I have so much to say and some words of wisdom to give that wasn’t fit for social media. This blog is not just for me. I would like to share my Trouble Tree with you also. If you have anything you would like to discuss, or get off your chest feel free to do so.

With all that being said, feel free to join me as I hang my troubles on my Trouble Tree.

                                                                Live, Laugh, Love More and Take More Risks,


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