Bishop Jakes
John 9:8-25
Back Story
(This is my translation on what happened)
There was a blind beggar that was sitting outside of the temple when Jesus and his disciples walked by. One of the disciples asked how did the man become blind, and the response was that he had been blind since birth. Jesus said "I must work, the works of him that sent me" (John 9:4). Basically, Jesus says, I'm going to heal this man. So He made clay out of dirt and His spit. Wiped it in the blind man's eyes and told him to go wash it off. When the man did so he could see. The Pharisees (High Priest) did not like this. Mainly because they did not like Jesus, but theydid not like the fact that He healed (work) on the Sabbath day. If you don't know, your not supposed to do anything on the Sabbath but worship God. Anything else is considered a sin. So the Pharisees befriended (fake-friended) the blind man, who which that they ignored for most of his life, to ask him questions about Jesus. After lots of interrogation finding that they could not get the man to change his story about what happened nor bad mouth Jesus, the blind man left the Pharisees with this statement, "Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see" (John 9:25). Translation, he told them I don't know if Jesus is a sinner or not, but I DO know I was blind and now I can see. I don't know what he's doing and how he did it, but it worked for me.
The enemy will try to attack you 3 way:
The Pharisees became friends with the blind man, for the sole purpose to use him to get to Jesus. The wanted to find dirt on Him so they could condemn Him. Some may be trying to use you, just so they can destroy someone else. Beware of gossip, and bad mouthing. The enemy will try to use your mouth against someone else. There's a method to the madness.
Not only was the blind man, blind, he was poor. If he could only see, maybe he wouldn't be poor. On the other hand, if wasn't poor, maybe he could have go to a doctor to fix his sight. Have you ever been in a situation where you had one problem, then once you fixed it another problem popped up, then once you fixed that problem came up. You know how it goes: if its not one thing, its another. That's an attack of the enemy to distract you from the will of God and to keep you down.
We never knew the given name of "The Blind Man". He is associated with his ailment and his short comings. Sometimes what you are going through will rob you of who you are. The enemy will attack you, and try to steel your identity. He will use people to put labels on you or try to put you in a category just so they can hate you better. Have you ever been called these names: The Drug Addict, The Girl with 3 kids and 3 different baby daddies, The Failure, The Low Life. This is an attack on your reputation. There is nothing that can kill a positive sprit more than someone that keeps bringing up a past that you are desperately trying to move on from.
There is something/someone in your life that affect all areas of your life. That one thing can take away our identity and make you feel like giving up. That bad breakup can have you so distressed that you may feel like you may want to end your life. The one bad decision you made may make you feel like you will never be able to recover. But God is about to give you your name back. You are in a season your life where you don't have to explain anything to anybody. All they need to know is that, whatever God is doing in your life, Works For You.
These are the words of Bishop T.D. Jakes, with a slight translation from me. These are the notes I took from Sunday's service that God put on my heart to share. I hope it make sense, and touch your heart.